
You will have seen that artists spend a lot of time and effort creating their work. In many ways, your own experiences will be similar, but on a smaller scale.

Let’s think now about what can happen to art works and ideas.
We will start by thinking about what can happen to you in school.

Story 1
storyone_picA girl gets an idea for a story and she uses her story-idea light bulb to write the best story she’s ever written. She gets to be ‘Champion Writer’ of the week and is awarded house points and a Head Teacher Award in assembly.
Story 2
storytwo_picA boy has an idea for a fantastic dance routine. He uses his dance idea light bulb to come up with the choreography and shares it with his friends so that they can perform their dance in a school talent show. The whole school admires his friends’ performance very much and respects him for his brilliant dance.
Story 3
storythree_picA pair of friends come up with an idea for a brilliant computer game. They use their idea light bulb to work collaboratively on their game which they create for their friends in the computer lab. A school parent offers to help them make a business out of the game. However, the friends are busy with school work and are unsure whether they should do so.
Story 4
storyfour_picA girl arrives every day to school and there are no ideas in her locker. She tries her hardest to come up with an idea for something, but nothing comes. She feels that she doesn’t have the success that her friends are having. She notices a girl who has lots of idea light bulbs in her locker. One lunchtime, she sneaks in and steals one of the ideas. It’s an idea for a piece of art. She creates the piece of art and tells people that it’s her own. The girl whose work has been stolen notices that her work has been copied, but she keeps quiet. The girl who stole the idea realises that she is not enjoying the fake success and apologises to the other girl.
Story 5
storyfive_picStory four told the story of a girl whose locker is always empty – she never has any ideas of light bulbs. One day, she steals an idea from a girl who has lots in her locker. The girl owns up and says sorry to the girl whose work she stole. Having accepted the apology, the girl with all the ideas decides to help the other girl and she gives her one of the light bulbs and shows her how to make it her own. She is able to use the idea and put her own spin on it to create a really good piece of art which is hung in the school entrance hall for all to see. She realizes that she can be inspired by others, but stealing others’ work is the wrong thing to do.


It is very important to respect each other’s creations and not to steal them or even borrow them without permission.

You have read the five stories above. Now think about what the characters might feel in each of the five stories. Using the chart below write down the characters that you meet and then what each might feel. You should then think why they might feel this way.

Write a title for each of the five stories.

Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5


Think back to the work that you did on the five stories. Each story centred around someone creating something, having an idea and seeing it through to a finished creation. But also, in two of the stories, there was the issue of someone stealing their creations – infringing their INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.

Somebody who creates something has the right to decide how their piece of work is used by other people – whether it is copied, or shared on the internet, or adapted for another similar work. So, for example, any person who takes a photo or writes a story has rights to protect them. They are free to let others know that their creation belongs to them and they can decide where it is shared and who can share it.

In the chart below, answer either yes or no to the statements.

Extension Task
What if someone liked your idea so much, they stole it and made it into a real book or film or song for a real audience. How would you feel?